Meet your new favorite coworker

Use Collato as your virtual assistant: Review emails, rephrase reports, brainstorm concepts, and find edge cases to help you make the best possible product decisions.

Connect your tools

Choose where Collato should source its knowledge from. Upload single items like meeting minutes, Jira tickets, and PDFs, or automatically sync your entire Google Drive, Confluence, Jira, or Notion.


Ask a question

Ask Collato any product or work-related requests. For example: "Draft personalized emails for the product launch to target our different customer segments."

Follow up

Dig deeper

Collato shows you exactly which sources are used in its response, so you can trust that the results are accurate. Click a source to view it, and ask follow-up questions until you've got the answers you need.

Slack off

Use it on Slack

Everything you can do on Collato, you can do on Slack. Just use the “/collato” command anywhere to ask a question, summarize information, or generate new content sourced from your work tools.

What can my AI Assistant do?

Your AI Assistant can help you with nearly any task. Here are just a few:

Use AI to generate innovative ideas and solutions for product improvements or new initiatives. Explore multiple angles and push the boundaries of conventional thinking.

Analyze sentiment

Generate insights from user feedback to gauge satisfaction, understand pain points, and tailor communication or product strategies.

Translate technical jargon

Not everyone understands technical language. Simplify complex reports or detailed information into simpler, easy-to-understand language to make it more accessible.

Write & review emails

Compose, edit, or review emails to ensure they communicate the intended message effectively, clearly, and professionally.

Find counterpoints

Identify alternative viewpoints or arguments in contrast to a given idea to find edge cases and potential holes in your plan.

Rephrase reports

Revise and restructure your reports to improve clarity, coherence, and engagement. Simplify complex terminology and enhance readability without losing key details.

We work where you work.

Our ever-growing list of integrations ensures that no piece of information gets left behind.


Google Drive




Privacy is our policy.

We put your privacy first at Collato. Your knowledge is only searchable by the people you choose, and Collato is taking all necessary measures to ensure that your data remains protected and private.

SOC 2 Certified

Collato uses an independent third party to conduct a SOC 2 audit on its knowledge management system. This audit covers the SOC 2 Common Criteria and the Confidentiality and Privacy trust services criteria.

GDPR Compliant

Collato has implemented all the required security measures to be GDPR compliant, and we regularly review our security control framework to ensure the proper handling of data according to the European Commission’s standards.

Secure Encryption

Your data is protected by military-grade encryption, with all data sent to or from Collato secured using TLS and encrypted with AES-256.

Spend more time doing the work you love.

You focus on making an impact. We’ll handle the rest.