Ask AI anything about your product docs

Work confidently knowing your team's product expertise is only a search away.

Go from 1000 tabs to 1

Sync your Confluence, Jira, Figma or Google Drive to a visual map and eliminate information silos. Find everything in one place – instead of manually searching through cluttered tools.

Find the unfindable

Remember that nameless file? Collato does. The smart algorithm finds answers by using all relevant links or files in context with your search. Save time (and face) by asking a simple question.

Privacy is our policy.

We put your privacy first at Collato. Your knowledge is only searchable by the people you choose, and Collato is taking all necessary measures to ensure that your data remains protected and private. Read more about our data security here.

Your data stays yours.

Collato never uses user-submitted data for AI training purposes. Your information is kept private.

GPDR compliant

All GDPR requirements are respected and regularly reviewed. Collato's servers are stored on German servers with the highest data security.

Secure encryption

Your data is protected by military-grade encryption, with all data sent to or from Collato secured using TLS and encrypted with AES-256.

Let AI save you time

Get instant, bite-sized answers with auto-generated summaries. Let everyone skim information efficiently, instead of browsing through endless documents.

Start easy, scale fast

Go from a single doc, to a project wiki, to an enterprise-wide search engine in no time. Connect one file or entire tools – invite others to join in too with a simple link.

Need more reasons to try Collato? Here are 3.


Give stakeholders a visual way to get the data they need. And say goodbye to your convoluted Confluence, Drive graveyard or jumbled Jira.


Rest easy knowing your documents are automatically updated and all information stays safe on certified data servers – hosted in Germany and GDPR compliant.


Give access without worrying about credit cards, seats or payment plans. Power your people with the insights they need, at no cost.

Reclaim your time.

Stop searching, start finding. Sign up to Collato for free today.

Don't just take it from us, see what our users have to say about Collato: