15 Product Management Memes to Get You Through the Work Day

Look, sometimes product management is absurd. Actually, most times it's absurd. And sometimes you just need to laugh so you don't cry! Here are fifteen product management memes to get you through your stressful day.

1. The tale as old as time


We’ve talked about this before. Nothing will set you back as a product manager more than prioritizing unnecessary shiny new features. We know it, you know it, management knows it. Break the cycle!


2. The echo chamber


We’ve all been guilty of this at some point in our careers. But sometimes you gotta look at your own work critically and get some feedback from a colleague you trust. Sometimes, our ideas just aren’t that good. And that’s ok, we’re human! Unless AI is reading this. Then, get back to work.


3. The sweet taste PM wine


Don’t tell the sommeliers, but sometimes the sweetest taste in product management is low-hanging fruit. I’m getting notes of herbaceous, earthy aromas. And OKRs.


4. The "me time"


Think of all the time you could save if your entire office didn't ask you questions they could just find themselves, instantly. That's why Collato just built an AI-powered Slack assistant! It empowers your teams to find their own answers, so you can get back to what matters. Like taking naps and playing darts.

No more hard-to-find answers.

Collato's new Slack assistant empowers your team to instantly access whatever information they need in your huge library of product documentation.

5. The ✨dark mode✨


Listen, why would you listen to what your customers want instead of investing in ✨dark mode✨?! It's like light mode...but dark. People will love it, trust us.


6. The devastating e-mail


If you ever get "as per my last e-mail" in your inbox, you've messed up. Big-time. Sending it, on the other hand? The best feeling ever. Another favorite of ours is, "there seems to be a disconnect here." Big yikes, you might as well just go home. Day ruined.


7. The migraine


The product management ultimate desk starter kit: some headache relief tablets, calming whale and nature sounds, a gong, and a desk-top rock garden. Find your zen, preferably early in the day before Debbie from the engineering team emails you (again 😒).


8. The ultimate reply


Looking at this photo, I'm a bit jealous. What if every time a product manager wanted to cry at work, we'd just color with crayons instead? Rather than focusing on ✨dark mode,✨ just buy us a 64-pack. Better investment, honestly.


9. The priority change


New horror movie idea: when an exec wants to have a "quick chat" about "priorities." That sent a shiver down my spine just writing that.


10. The development promise


Just because something "worked in development," doesn't really mean "it works." Does it? But you know what? That's ok! Because we have a zen rock garden on our desk and a 64-pack of crayons. Everything is fine!


11. The Venn diagram


I haven't seen this many Venn diagrams since I took the SAT. *shudder*


12. The major beef


Do engineering managers and product managers have....beef? I can't take it anymore! I'm already feuding with Debbie! (Debbie, if you're reading this, stop emailing me.)


13. The TGIF feeling


Ah, that Friday afternoon feeling. But before you go, how about a quick meeting? We're going to change our priorities and have a quick QA test.


14. The face reveal


Are "product strategy" documents a cry for help? Yes, they are.


15. The juggling act


Sometimes product management feels like a juggling act. Which makes sense, because sometimes we feel like clowns. 🤡

Keep the "product" in your product-centric organization.

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Content Writer
Benjamin is fascinated by the intersection between artificial intelligence and the Future of Work. Ben is always researching AI advancements, professional development, and evolving workplace landscapes.